< !DOCTYPE html> Membership Type :: APBA - The Asian Polyurethane Business Association

Membership Type

APBA recognizes the following types of organization memberships;

  • Regular Member:The regular members are manufacturers and converters of all types of polyurethane products.
  • Associate Member: Associate members are suppliers to polyurethane foam manufacturers and converters. Typically they provide materials, machinery, instruments, or auxiliaries to the manufacturers and converters.
  • Associate Member: Associate members are suppliers to polyurethane foam manufacturers and converters. Typically they provide materials, machinery, instruments, or auxiliaries to the manufacturers and converters.
  • Professional Member: Professional Members are service providers to the polyurethane industry such as professional education, events, market reports, research, and consulting.
  • Strategic Member: Strategic Members are industry associations, that are involving the polyurethane industry and its supply chain. These members are to be invited by the APBA Executive Board
Membership Fee (Annual)

The APBA charges a flat annual membership fee based on the type of membership:

  • Regular Member: USD 1000
  • Associate Member: USD 1500
  • Professional Member: USD 750
  • Strategic Member: Complimentary